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Why do you need fleet management software?
- Save time and money
- Optimize your payroll
- Manage vehicle health
All in one easy-to-use dashboard.
What is fleet management software?
Keeping a fleet of vehicles on track and on the road is complex and challenging. Fleet management software provides the solution. You can reduce costs, maximize time on the road, improve performance, and stay in compliance with government regulations – all with one centralized, easy-to-use fleet software package.
The right fleet management software will:
- Keep your fleet organized
- Coordinate vehicles in your fleet from a central location
- Keep your fleet operation running smoothly
No matter how many vehicles are in your fleet, MiX Now makes it easy to manage vehicle health, save money on fuel, monitor unauthorized vehicle use, optimize your payroll, and more. Your drivers will be more efficient, and you won’t spend as much time worrying about your fleet.
Knowing where vehicles are at any given time reduces your stress, adds hours back into your day, and helps you sleep at night.
Think your fleet is too small for fleet management software?
At MiX Now, we have solutions for every size fleet. Just because your fleet is small, doesn’t mean your needs are any less complicated or urgent. You have the same headaches and issues, sometimes even more of them, as larger fleets. Our goal is to make sure you get the same benefits from your fleet software as companies with bigger fleets do.
The process is easy. Sign up online, and we’ll send your devices immediately. Plug them into your vehicles, set up your profile, and you are done. You’ll get instant notifications about your fleet on your mobile device or computer, so you can keep track of your fleet wherever you are.
Benefits of fleet management software
MiX Now fleet management software works hard, so you don’t have to. We keep track of everything in one convenient, easy to use, intuitive dashboard.
Save time and money
MiX Now saves you time and money – your two most valuable resources. By reducing fuel use, improving vehicle health, optimizing payroll, and making your fleet more efficient, you get significant savings and increased productivity for you and your business.
Quick and easy setup
Don’t worry about fooling around with complicated hardware and software setup, MiX Now makes it easy. Once you’ve selected your subscription and paid online, we’ll ship your devices. You can install them yourself or choose to have them professionally installed. Once installed, login to the app, and you are good to go.
Payment transparency
Our uncomplicated fee structure is completely transparent. You pay one flat subscription fee, one shipping and handling fee, and you are done. No extra costs for installation or other services. (Messaging and data rates may apply.)
Easy-to-use dashboard
MiX Now gives you an interactive dashboard that makes it easy to see the information you need. You’ll find stats on fuel efficiency, events, costs, trips, vehicle use, and more. The single-view layout presents the information in a way that is both detailed and intuitive.
Reduce fuel usage
Poor driving directly impacts how much fuel your fleet uses. Consider this: idling can use up to a half-gallon of fuel an hour. With MiX Now, you get instant notifications about fuel-wasting activities such as speeding, excessive idling, and over-revving, allowing you to take action steps immediately.
Improve vehicle health management
In addition to saving fuel usage, improve driving behavior that eliminates speeding, harsh braking, over-revving, and excessive idling to reduce wear and tear on your vehicles. This means less maintenance on your vehicles and more savings for your business. With MiX Now, you can also set licensing and service reminders to keep your vehicles running efficiently and keep your fleet in compliance.
Prevent time theft
Research indicates that 25% of workers exaggerate the time they spend on shift 75% of the time. MiX Now lets you easily validate drivers’ shift details by setting up geo-fences for locations such as work sites, popular lunch spots, or a driver’s home. You can choose to get notifications when drivers enter and exit these specific locations.
Optimize your payroll
Correct, efficient, and accurate payroll depends on accurate reporting of driving hours, especially over time. Our logbook and geo-fencing functionalities make this easy and accurate, eliminating paying for unauthorized trips.
Increase vehicle utilization
If you’ve ever wondered if you have the right amount of vehicles on the road at certain times, we can help. Mix Now tracks and monitors drivers and vehicles, how much time they spend in certain areas, and the routes they take. With this information, you can easily see if and where resources are being either underutilized or overutilized.
Market trends for fleet software
No matter the size of your fleet, if you are working without a modern, comprehensive fleet management software, you are losing money. Delaying the implementation of fleet software will cost you more long-term than the short-term costs of purchasing and installing a system now. We’ve broken down the ways you can save.
Fleet management software return on investment (ROI)
Industry-wide, companies have quickly seen ROI from their fleet management software. Your specific ROI will depend on your numbers, but the following areas have been measurably impacted.
Improved driver safety and reduced liability – you can proactively monitor behavior that increases the probability of driver-caused accidents.
Improved fleet utilization and efficiency – you get metrics on how each vehicle is being driven and balance vehicle utilization with the capacity to reduce wear and tear.
Reduce Labor Costs – with fleet management software, you can see a the history for a specific vehicle, such as trips taken, stops, idling events, and more. It’s an easy way to see how efficient workers are with their time, and where they can improve.
Reduce time spent on administrative tasks – eliminating manual record-keeping and optimizing the dispatch process, fleet software eliminates hours of administrative time often spent on these tasks.
Keep your costs low with MiX Now
Telematics software tracks a lot of data—and that data can account for a lot of money saved. In fact, many organizations are already seeing significant cost savings from integrated fleet technology, with lowered fuel costs, lowered accident costs, reduced labor costs, and reduced downtime due to better preventive maintenance. In addition, these companies often see lower insurance premiums due to improved safety. And software expenses are tax-deductible, so you can even save on the cost of the system itself. Keeping costs low with fleet management software can give your organization a competitive edge.
Find out more about fleet management benefits.
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