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Sobre a MiX by Powerfleet

Entre em nosso mundo
Usando o modelo de entrega de Software como Serviço (SaaS), a MiX by Powerfleet lidera provedores de serviços de telemetria no Brasil e globalmente, entregando suas soluções a clientes em mais de 120 países. Mais de 1.9 milhão de veículos são gerenciados ativamente pela MiX by Powerfleet, um número que está crescendo constantemente
Além de empregar mais de 1800 pessoas, a MiX by Powerfleet tem uma rede global de mais de 130 parceiros de frota. Nossa empresa de telemetria tem escritórios na África do Sul, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Uganda, Brasil, Austrália, Emirados Árabes Unidos e México.
As ações da MiX by Powerfleet são negociadas publicamente na Bolsa de Valores de Joanesburgo (JSE: MIX) desde 2007 e na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York (NYSE: MIXT) desde 2013.
MiX by Powerfleet Stats

Um Orgulhoso Legado em Telemática de Veículos

A MiX by Powerfleet, fundada em 1996 por Stefan Joselowitz, é uma fornecedora líder global de soluções de gerenciamento de frotas e ativos móveis. Os produtos e serviços da empresa fornecem às frotas corporativas, pequenas frotas e consumidores soluções de segurança, eficiência, conformidade e segurança.
About the MiX Team

MiX by Powerfleet: Linha do Tempo


Início da Jornada

  • Fundada em 1996 como Matrix Vehicle Tracking.
  • Foco na recuperação de veículos roubados e segurança pessoal.
  • A Control Instruments adquire a DataPro, forma a CI Fleet Management Services (CIFMS).

Expansão Inicia

  • CI FMS conclui acordo com a Siemens VDO para projetar e desenvolver a linha de produtos VDO FM, vendido exclusivamente pela Siemens VDO em todo o mundo.



Inovação em Telemática

  • A CI FMS inicia as vendas diretas da gama de produtos VDO FM para a África Subsaariana.

Estreia na Bolsa de Valores

  • CI FMS muda o nome para CI OmniBridge, adquire a Siemens VDO UK Fleet Division e a Datatrak, cancela o acordo de distribuição com a SiemensVDO.
  • TeliMatrix adquire a OmniBridge.
  • Listas de entidades combinadas no JSE na África do Sul (JSE:MIX).



Expansão Global

  • TeliMatrix adquire a TripMaster (EUA)
  • TeliMatrix adquire a SafeDrive International (Emirados Árabes Unidos e Austrália)
  • Nome da empresa muda seu nome e identidade corporativa para MiX by Powerfleet

Avanços Tecnológicos

  • MiX by Powerfleet quebra barreira de receita de R$ 1 bilhão.



Reconhecimento Internacional

  • MiX by Powerfleet lista na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York (NYSE:MIXT)

Novas Parcerias

  • MiX by Powerfleet alcança 600.000 assinantes em todo o seu negócio global



Liderança em Telemática

  • A MiX by Powerfleet lança o MiX Now, software de telemetria de autoatendimento para frotas leves.
  • É lançado o MiX Integrate, uma plataforma de API intuitiva para integração de terceiros.
  • MiX by Powerfleet registra nono trimestre consecutivo de crescimento de margem.

Soluções Avançadas

  • A MiX by Powerfleet obtém a certificação ISO 27001.
  • MiX by Powerfleet recebe prestigiado Prêmio de Parceria de Segurança de Frota ao lado Wincanton, um dos principais fornecedores britânicos da cadeia de suprimentos.
  • MiX by Powerfleet estabelece presença direta no México e cresce participação de mercado significativamente no Brasil.
  • MiX by Powerfleet ajuda cliente europeu a ganhar importante prêmio ambiental.



Adaptação e Crescimento

  • ABI Research nomeia MiX by Powerfleet como líder global em telemetria comercial.
  • MiX Vision AI, uma solução de vídeo na cabine que usa tecnologia avançada de visão mecânica de forma inteligente, é lançado o acompanhamento do comportamento dos motoristas e a melhoria da segurança da frota.
  • MiX anuncia sua parceria com a Navistar, oferecendo aos clientes mútuos dados combinados aprimorados e abrangentes.
  • MiX renova contrato com a Translink.

Futuro da Telemática

  • A MiX by Powerfleet comemora 25 anos como uma empresa de telemetria estabelecida.
  • A MiX recebe o prêmio Highly Commended Fleet Safety Product Award (In-Vehicle) da Brake.
  • MiX by Powerfleet lança MyMiX Tracking, uma solução de rastreamento baseada em aplicativo para impulsionar a frota segurança e eficiência sem a necessidade de hardware.
  • A Iberdrola escolhe a MiX como seu parceiro global de frota conectada de longo prazo.
  • MiX anuncia sua colaboração com a Ford Pro Intelligence.



Compromisso com a Sustentabilidade

  • A MiX by Powerfleet vê uma expansão significativa de clientes na América do Sul.
  • A MiX adquire o negócio de Field Service Management da Trimble.
  • MiX lança nova ferramenta integrada de gerenciamento de KPIs para assinantes premium.
  • MiX ganha Prêmio de Parceria de Segurança de Frota por sua parceria com a McGill's
  • A MiX by Powerfleet aprimora os recursos de telemática de vídeo com ampla atualização.

Novos Horizontes

  • MiX by Powerfleet atinge 1 milhão de assinantes globais.



Início da Jornada

  • Fundada em 1996 como Matrix Vehicle Tracking.
  • Foco na recuperação de veículos roubados e segurança pessoal.
  • A Control Instruments adquire a DataPro, forma a CI Fleet Management Services (CIFMS).


Expansão Inicial

  • CI FMS conclui acordo com a Siemens VDO para projetar e desenvolver a linha de produtos VDO FM, vendido exclusivamente pela Siemens VDO em todo o mundo.


Inovação em Telemática

  • A CI FMS inicia as vendas diretas da gama de produtos VDO FM para a África Subsaariana.


Estreia na Bolsa de Valores

  • CI FMS muda o nome para CI OmniBridge, adquire a Siemens VDO UK Fleet Division e a Datatrak, cancela o acordo de distribuição com a SiemensVDO.
  • TeliMatrix adquire a OmniBridge.
  • Listas de entidades combinadas no JSE na África do Sul (JSE:MIX).


Expansão Global

  • TeliMatrix adquire a TripMaster (EUA)
  • TeliMatrix adquire a SafeDrive International (Emirados Árabes Unidos e Austrália)
  • Nome da empresa muda seu nome e identidade corporativa para MiX by Powerfleet


Avanços Tecnológicos

  • MiX by Powerfleet quebra barreira de receita de R$ 1 bilhão.


Reconhecimento Internacional

  • MiX by Powerfleet lista na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York (NYSE:MIXT)


Novas Parcerias

  • MiX by Powerfleet alcança 600.000 assinantes em todo o seu negócio global


Liderança em Telemática

  • A MiX by Powerfleet lança o MiX Now, software de telemetria de autoatendimento para frotas leves.
  • É lançado o MiX Integrate, uma plataforma de API intuitiva para integração de terceiros.
  • MiX by Powerfleet registra nono trimestre consecutivo de crescimento de margem.


Soluções Avançadas

  • A MiX by Powerfleet obtém a certificação ISO 27001.
  • MiX by Powerfleet recebe prestigiado Prêmio de Parceria de Segurança de Frota ao lado Wincanton, um dos principais fornecedores britânicos da cadeia de suprimentos.
  • MiX by Powerfleet estabelece presença direta no México e cresce participação de mercado significativamente no Brasil.
  • MiX by Powerfleet ajuda cliente europeu a ganhar importante prêmio ambiental.


Adaptação e Crescimento

  • ABI Research nomeia MiX by Powerfleet como líder global em telemetria comercial.
  • MiX Vision AI, uma solução de vídeo na cabine que usa tecnologia avançada de visão mecânica de forma inteligente, é lançado o acompanhamento do comportamento dos motoristas e a melhoria da segurança da frota.
  • MiX anuncia sua parceria com a Navistar, oferecendo aos clientes mútuos dados combinados aprimorados e abrangentes.
  • MiX renova contrato com a Translink.


Futuro da Telemática

  • A MiX by Powerfleet comemora 25 anos como uma empresa de telemetria estabelecida.
  • A MiX recebe o prêmio Highly Commended Fleet Safety Product Award (In-Vehicle) da Brake.
  • MiX by Powerfleet lança MyMiX Tracking, uma solução de rastreamento baseada em aplicativo para impulsionar a frota segurança e eficiência sem a necessidade de hardware.
  • A Iberdrola escolhe a MiX como seu parceiro global de frota conectada de longo prazo.
  • MiX anuncia sua colaboração com a Ford Pro Intelligence.


Compromisso com a Sustentabilidade

  • A MiX by Powerfleet vê uma expansão significativa de clientes na América do Sul.
  • A MiX adquire o negócio de Field Service Management da Trimble.
  • MiX lança nova ferramenta integrada de gerenciamento de KPIs para assinantes premium.
  • MiX ganha Prêmio de Parceria de Segurança de Frota por sua parceria com a McGill's
  • A MiX by Powerfleet aprimora os recursos de telemática de vídeo com ampla atualização.


Novos Horizontes

  • MiX by Powerfleet atinge 1 milhão de assinantes globais.

Our Offices

MiX by Powerfleet Offices

MiX by Powerfleet América Do Norte

+1 877 585 1088 | Boca Raton, Estados Unidos

Em abril de 2008, a MiX by Powerfleet adquiriu a Tripmaster para fortalecer sua oferta de mercado e estabelecer uma posição no mercado da América do Norte. Na década de 1970, a Tripmaster foi pioneira no desenvolvimento de computadores de bordo e possui inúmeras patentes relacionadas a algoritmos de cruzamento de linhas de estado.

Hoje, a MiX by Powerfleet North America se baseia no legado da marca, continuando a fornecer aos operadores de frotas comerciais maior eficiência e controle de gerenciamento, com ênfase na segurança do motorista, no DOT Hours of Service e na conformidade com o IFTA.

MiX by Powerfleet Brasil

+55 11 3393 8111 | São Paulo, Brasil

Em maio de 2013, a MiX by Powerfleet Brasil foi criada para aumentar a penetração de mercado da empresa e aumentar sua participação de mercado no Brasil e na grande região da América Latina. A subsidiária – com sede em São Paulo – permite que a MiX by Powerfleet suporte melhor sua rede de parceiros de canal, mantendo atenção para todos os requisitos que são exclusivos da região.

MiX by Powerfleet Europa

+44 121 717 5385 | Birmingham, Reino Unido

Nascida da aquisição pela OmniBridge (agora MiX by Powerfleet International) do negócio de gestão de frotas SiemensVDO em 2007, a MiX by Powerfleet Europe está sediada no Reino Unido e constitui o centro dos negócios de vendas e distribuição do grupo na Europa. O negócio é bem conhecido em todo o Reino Unido e Europa como a empresa por trás dos produtos e rede originais de rastreamento de veículos Datatrak, criada em 1985.

MiX by Powerfleet África

+27 11 654 8000 | Midrand, África Do Sul

A MiX by Powerfleet (África) fornece soluções de consumo para o mercado sul-africano sob as marcas Matrix e Beam-e, enquanto a divisão comercial fornece soluções de gestão de frotas empresariais em toda a África Subsaariana. A Matrix representa uma das maiores marcas de segurança pessoal e recuperação de veículos roubados na África do Sul. Sua oferta engloba serviços de segurança básicos e aprimorados que são projetados para se adequar aos estilos de vida individuais, todos com ênfase na segurança pessoal. O Beam-e é um serviço de recuperação de veículos roubados altamente acessível que foi lançado pela MiX by Powerfleet em 2011.

A empresa opera um Centro Nacional de Operações 24/7/365 e tem equipes de resposta terrestre dedicadas e um helicóptero de propriedade da empresa. A MiX by Powerfleet Africa está sediada em Midrand, Joanesburgo, e recentemente estabeleceu um escritório em Uganda. Com atenção em toda região da África Oriental, alinha a MiX by Powerfleet com a crescente demanda na região, ao mesmo tempo em que permite que a empresa apoie melhor sua rede de parceiros de negócios da África Oriental.

MiX by Powerfleet Internacional

+27 21 880 5500 | Stellenbosch, África Do Sul

A MiX by Powerfleet International, com sede em Stellenbosch, é responsável por todas as operações centralizadas de marketing, hospedagem e desenvolvimento, bem como vendas em regiões não gerenciadas por outras subsidiárias da MiX. A empresa está posicionada como uma organização de serviços central para o resto dos negócios e parceiros do grupo MiX, para apoiar o crescimento do negócio em suas localizações internacionais e em seus vários segmentos.

MiX by Powerfleet Médio Oriente

+44 121 717 5385 | Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos

A MiX by Powerfleet Middle East e a MiX by Powerfleet Australasia estão sediadas em Dubai (Emirados Árabes Unidos) e Perth (Austrália), respectivamente.

A subsidiária nasceu da aquisição pela MiX by Powerfleet da SafeDrive International (SDI), em 2008, uma empresa de consultoria e treinamento em segurança viária que foi originalmente formada em 2002. A SDI construiu uma forte reputação no setor de segurança e treinamento de motoristas, tornando-se conhecida por seu alto padrão em design e entrega de treinamento.

Hoje, as empresas combinam sistemas de monitoramento no veículo, treinamento de motoristas e consultoria para oferecer programas personalizados e eficazes de comportamento e treinamento de motoristas para clientes globais focados em alcançar e manter os mais altos níveis de segurança nos setores de petróleo e gás, minerais e recursos.

Mix Telemática Australásia

+61 8 9388 5800 | Perth, Austrália

A subsidiária nasceu da aquisição pela MiX by Powerfleet da SafeDrive International (SDI), em 2008, uma empresa de consultoria e treinamento em segurança viária que foi originalmente formada em 2002. A SDI construiu uma forte reputação no setor de segurança e treinamento de motoristas, tornando-se conhecida por seu alto padrão em design e entrega de treinamento.

Hoje, as empresas combinam sistemas de monitoramento no veículo, treinamento de motoristas e consultoria para oferecer programas personalizados e eficazes de comportamento e treinamento de motoristas para clientes globais focados em alcançar e manter os mais altos níveis de segurança nos setores de petróleo e gás, minerais e recursos.

MiX by Powerfleet Offices
  • MiX by Powerfleet North America

    MiX by Powerfleet América Do Norte

    +1 877 585 1088 | Boca Raton, Estados Unidos

    Em abril de 2008, a MiX by Powerfleet adquiriu a Tripmaster para fortalecer sua oferta de mercado e estabelecer uma posição no mercado da América do Norte. Na década de 1970, a Tripmaster foi pioneira no desenvolvimento de computadores de bordo e possui inúmeras patentes relacionadas a algoritmos de cruzamento de linhas de estado.

    Hoje, a MiX by Powerfleet North America se baseia no legado da marca, continuando a fornecer aos operadores de frotas comerciais maior eficiência e controle de gerenciamento, com ênfase na segurança do motorista, no DOT Hours of Service e na conformidade com o IFTA.

  • MiX by Powerfleet Brazil

    MiX by Powerfleet Brasil

    +55 11 3393 8111 | São Paulo, Brasil

    Em maio de 2013, a MiX by Powerfleet Brasil foi criada para aumentar a penetração de mercado da empresa e aumentar sua participação de mercado no Brasil e na grande região da América Latina. A subsidiária – com sede em São Paulo – permite que a MiX by Powerfleet suporte melhor sua rede de parceiros de canal, mantendo atenção para todos os requisitos que são exclusivos da região.

  • MiX by Powerfleet Europe

    MiX by Powerfleet Europa

    +44 121 717 5385 | Birmingham, Reino Unido

    Nascida da aquisição pela OmniBridge (agora MiX by Powerfleet International) do negócio de gestão de frotas SiemensVDO em 2007, a MiX by Powerfleet Europe está sediada no Reino Unido e constitui o centro dos negócios de vendas e distribuição do grupo na Europa. O negócio é bem conhecido em todo o Reino Unido e Europa como a empresa por trás dos produtos e rede originais de rastreamento de veículos Datatrak, criada em 1985.

  • MiX by Powerfleet Africa

    Mix by Powerfleet África

    +27 11 654 8000 | Midrand, África Do Sul

    A MiX by Powerfleet (África) fornece soluções de consumo para o mercado sul-africano sob as marcas Matrix e Beam-e, enquanto a divisão comercial fornece soluções de gestão de frotas empresariais em toda a África Subsaariana. A Matrix representa uma das maiores marcas de segurança pessoal e recuperação de veículos roubados na África do Sul. Sua oferta engloba serviços de segurança básicos e aprimorados que são projetados para se adequar aos estilos de vida individuais, todos com ênfase na segurança pessoal. O Beam-e é um serviço de recuperação de veículos roubados altamente acessível que foi lançado pela MiX by Powerfleet em 2011.

    A empresa opera um Centro Nacional de Operações 24/7/365 e tem equipes de resposta terrestre dedicadas e um helicóptero de propriedade da empresa. A MiX by Powerfleet Africa está sediada em Midrand, Joanesburgo, e recentemente estabeleceu um escritório em Uganda. Com atenção em toda região da África Oriental, alinha a MiX by Powerfleet com a crescente demanda na região, ao mesmo tempo em que permite que a empresa apoie melhor sua rede de parceiros de negócios da África Oriental.

  • MiX by Powerfleet International

    MiX by Powerfleet International

    +27 21 880 5500 | Stellenbosch, África Do Sul

    A MiX by Powerfleet International, com sede em Stellenbosch, é responsável por todas as operações centralizadas de marketing, hospedagem e desenvolvimento, bem como vendas em regiões não gerenciadas por outras subsidiárias da MiX. A empresa está posicionada como uma organização de serviços central para o resto dos negócios e parceiros do grupo MiX, para apoiar o crescimento do negócio em suas localizações internacionais e em seus vários segmentos.

  • MiX by Powerfleet Middle East

    Mix by Powerfleet Médio Oriente

    +44 121 717 5385 | Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos

    A subsidiária nasceu da aquisição pela MiX by Powerfleet da SafeDrive International (SDI), em 2008, uma empresa de consultoria e treinamento em segurança viária que foi originalmente formada em 2002. A SDI construiu uma forte reputação no setor de segurança e treinamento de motoristas, tornando-se conhecida por seu alto padrão em design e entrega de treinamento.

    Hoje, as empresas combinam sistemas de monitoramento no veículo, treinamento de motoristas e consultoria para oferecer programas personalizados e eficazes de comportamento e treinamento de motoristas para clientes globais focados em alcançar e manter os mais altos níveis de segurança nos setores de petróleo e gás, minerais e recursos.

  • MiX by Powerfleet Australia

    Mix by Powerfleet Australásia

    +61 8 9388 5800 | Perth, Austrália

    A subsidiária nasceu da aquisição pela MiX by Powerfleet da SafeDrive International (SDI), em 2008, uma empresa de consultoria e treinamento em segurança viária que foi originalmente formada em 2002. A SDI construiu uma forte reputação no setor de segurança e treinamento de motoristas, tornando-se conhecida por seu alto padrão em design e entrega de treinamento.

    Hoje, as empresas combinam sistemas de monitoramento no veículo, treinamento de motoristas e consultoria para oferecer programas personalizados e eficazes de comportamento e treinamento de motoristas para clientes globais focados em alcançar e manter os mais altos níveis de segurança nos setores de petróleo e gás, minerais e recursos.

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  • Acessos 2626

SENS Announcements

SENS Announcements

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  • Acessos 6696



MiX by Powerfleet is governed by a board of directors whose unique skills and experience combined, contribute to the realisation of our vision to become the leading global provider in mobile resource management.

mix leads the way

Our Leadership's unique skills and experience combined, contribute to the realisation of our vision to become the leading global provider in mobile resource management.

  • Stefan Joselowitz

    Stefan Joselowitz

    President and CEO

    Joss has served as MiX's Chief Executive Officer and as a member of our Board of Directors, since he founded the Group in 1996. In 2008, he relocated to the United States as part of our global expansion strategy...

    Stefan Joselowitz

    President and CEO

    Joss has served as MiX's Chief Executive Officer and as a member of our Board of Directors, since he founded the Group in 1996. In 2008, he relocated to the United States as part of our global expansion strategy. Since founding MiX, Joss has overseen six acquisitions, and successfully orchestrated the company's listing on the JSE in 2007. In 2013, Joss led the team that listed the company on the NYSE and concluded $65m in capital raising to fund future growth in the process. Prior to MiX, from 1984 to 1995, he served as Sales Director and then Chief Executive Officer of Shurlok (Pty) Ltd; a developer of electronic systems for the automotive industry. In this appointment, Joss helped to build their company into a leader in the field of vehicle safety and security.

  • Paul Dell

    Paul Dell

    Chief Financial Officer

    Paul is MiX's Chief Financial Officer and Americas Chief Financial Officer. He previously served as the Interim Chief Financial Officer and as a member of our Board of Directors from February 2017 to July 2019.

    Paul Dell

    Chief Financial Officer

    Paul is MiX’s Chief Accounting Officer and Americas Chief Financial Officer. He previously served as the Interim Chief Financial Officer and as a member of our Board of Directors from February 2017 to July 2019. Prior to his appointment to this position, he had been our Group Financial Controller since September 2012. Paul began his long career at MiX as our Group Financial Manager in July 2010. From October 2007 to June 2010, Paul served in various financial roles including Group Accountant at Batemen Engineering, an international project management business based in South Africa. He was previously employed by PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. from November 2003 to September 2007, during which time he completed two secondments to the United States. He is a registered chartered accountant in South Africa.

  • Charles Tasker

    Charles Tasker

    Chief Operating Officer

    Charles has been MiX's Chief Operating Officer since June 2014 and has served as a member of our Board of Directors since August 2007. Prior to MiX, Charles founded an Internet service provider and software...

    Charles Tasker

    Chief Operating Officer

    Charles has been MiX’s Chief Operating Officer since June 2014 and has served as a member of our Board of Directors since August 2007. Prior to MiX, Charles founded an Internet service provider and software development company called DataPro in 1986, which was acquired by Control Instruments Group Limited in 1996. As part of that acquisition, Charles joined Control Instruments to lead its fleet management business, which became OmniBridge. Charles began his long and distinguished career at MiX as the Executive responsible for Fleet Solutions worldwide, following our acquisition of OmniBridge in 2007. Charles has more than 25 years of entrepreneurial and management experience working with companies in the technology sector.

  • Catherine Lewis

    Catherine Lewis

    Executive Vice President: Technology
    / Managing Director CSO

    Catherine, our Executive Vice President for Technology, joined the business formerly known as OmniBridge, In November 2013, she was promoted to Managing Director of MiX's Central Services Organization (CSO).

    Catherine Lewis

    Executive Vice President: Technology / Managing Director CSO

    Catherine, our Executive Vice President for Technology, joined the business formerly known as OmniBridge, in May 2001. In November 2013, she was promoted to Managing Director of MiX's Central Services Organization (CSO). Catherine, our Executive Vice President for Technology, joined the business formerly known as OmniBridge, in May 2001. In November 2013, she was promoted to Managing Director of MiX's Central Services Organization (CSO). Catherine is responsible for product management and development, the hosting and operations of MiX’s SaaS platform, business systems, technical support, and manufacturing. Catherine holds a Business Science degree with Honours in Information Systems from the University of Cape Town.

  • Gert Pretorius

    Gert Pretorius

    Executive Vice President / Managing
    Director MiX Africa

    Gert was appointed Managing Director of MiX Africa in October 2016. He previously served as the Executive Vice President for Information Systems from June 2014 to May 2017, and as the Executive responsible for Africa Fleet Solutions from January 2012 to June 2014.

    Gert Pretorius

    Executive Vice President / Managing Director MiX Africa

    Gert was appointed Managing Director of MiX Africa in October 2016. He previously served as the Executive Vice President for Information Systems from June 2014 to May 2017, and as the Executive responsible for Africa Fleet Solutions from January 2012 to June 2014. Gert also served in various other senior Sales and Operations roles at MiX, before being appointed Chief Operating Officer for MiX Africa in 2010. Prior to MiX, Gert served as Operations Manager for OmniBridge. Prior to joining OmniBridge, Gert held senior Executive roles at fleet management companies including Super Group and Daimler Fleet Management, and in the security industry at Coin Security Group.

  • Jonathan Bates

    Jonathan Bates

    Executive Vice President : Marketing

    Jonathan is MiX’s Executive Vice President of Marketing and previously served as Head of Global Marketing. Prior to that appointment, Jonathan was our Marketing Director in Europe. Jonathan began his career at MiX as our European Product Manager in November 2012.

    Jonathan Bates

    Executive Vice President : Marketing

    Jonathan is MiX’s Executive Vice President of Marketing and previously served as Head of Global Marketing. Prior to that appointment, Jonathan was our Marketing Director in Europe. Jonathan began his career at MiX as our European Product Manager in November 2012. Before joining us, Jonathan held several managerial positions from September 2005 to October 2012, within the PSA Peugeot Citroen Group in the functions of sales, marketing, product management, customer success and project management. Jonathan also holds a Bachelor of Law degree in the UK.

  • Cheryl Cochrane

    Cheryl Cochrane

    VP Human Resources

    Cheryl is Vice President of Human Resources based in the United Kingdom. Cheryl commenced her journey with MiX in 2018...

    Cheryl Cochrane

    VP Human Resources

    Cheryl is Vice President of Human Resources based in the United Kingdom. Cheryl commenced her journey with MiX in 2018. Before joining MiX, Cheryl spent 10 years in Executive Search and leadership advisory working globally for some of the top 10 internationally ranked search firms with expertise in Technology, Mining, Engineering. Telecommunications and Financial Services. Cheryl originally commenced her career in Human Resources Management with TF and Premier Foods (retail and FMCG). After obtaining her master's in psychology she qualified as a Research Psychologist in 1994. Thereafter Cheryl served as a Director and board member of a top private school in Johannesburg and worked for SRK Consulting, a leading international mining consulting firm. She was also involved as a consultant in the leadership and organisational development of both internationally owned and ]SE listed companies in agriculture, waste management, telecommunications, logistics and mining.

  • Steve Blackhart

    Executive Vice President : Corporate Development

    Steve has been MiX's VP of Corporate Development since June 2022. Prior to MiX, Steve was the founder of Black Eagle Advisors, where he advised clients across a wide range of industries on M&A transactions and corporate development initiatives. Steve began his career in the investment banking division of Bank of America Merrill Lynch, executing M&A transactions in healthcare, financial technology and industrials, before becoming a private equity professional at FFL Partners. Steve graduated summa cum laude with a B.S. in Business Administration from University of Southern California and earned an MBA from Harvard Business School.

    Steve Blackhart

    Executive Vice President: Corporate Development

    Steve has been MiX's VP of Corporate Development since June 2022. Prior to MiX, Steve was the founder of Black Eagle Advisors, where he advised clients across a wide range of industries on M&A transactions and corporate development initiatives. Steve began his career in the investment banking division of Bank of America Merrill Lynch, executing M&A transactions in healthcare, financial technology and industrials, before becoming a private equity professional at FFL Partners. Steve graduated summa cum laude with a B.S. in Business Administration from University of Southern California and earned an MBA from Harvard Business School.

  • Ian Jacobs

    Re-elected 26 September 2018

    Ian was elected as a member of our Board of Directors in June 2016 and as Chairman of the Board in November 2022. Ian also serves as a member of our Nominations and Remuneration Committee. Ian graduated from Yeshiva University, New York in 1997. He worked as a research analyst focused on small capitalization companies from 1997 to 2002 at Schroders, Sidoti & Co. and Goldman Sachs & Co. respectively. In 2003, after graduating from Columbia Business School, New York, Ian joined Berkshire Hathaway Inc. where he worked on investment research and other projects as directed by the Chairman/CEO. In 2009, Ian left Berkshire Hathaway Inc. to form 402 Capital LLC, a concentrated value focused manager that invests in businesses with structural competitive advantage.

  • Richard Bruyns

    Re-elected 26 September 2018

    Richard has served as a member of MiX’s Board of Directors since August 2007. In October 2016, he was appointed as the Lead Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee. He is also a member of our Audit and Risk Committee, as well as our Social and Ethics Committee. Richard has been managing listed companies since 1998, when he was with Hodgson and Darling, and has served as a member and/or Chairman of the Board of committees of various listed companies over the years.

  • Fikile Futwa

    Re-elected 4 July 2018

    Fikile is an independent Non-Executive Director at MiX. She is also a member of our Social and Ethics committee, as well as the Chairperson of our Audit and Risk committee. Fikile founded and manages an accounting firm, Your Financial Partner, which is registered with SAICA. She has more than 17 years corporate experience which includes external audit, accounting, payroll, financial management, corporate finance, corporate governance, taxation and B-BBEE regulations. Fikile started her accounting articles at Andersen Consulting and completed them with KPMG. Post articles, she worked in corporate finance for Eskom and Anglo-American Corporation Limited. She later joined Discovery Limited, where she headed up the Discovery CA(SA) training program and Group Accounting department. She was also involved in the implementation of Enterprise Development funding transactions. Whilst at Discovery, Fikile worked with small and medium businesses that were applying for Enterprise Development funding. Fikile further serves as a Non-Executive Director on various boards.

  • Charmel Flemming

    Appointed 9 December 2021

    Charmel Flemming, appointed as an independent non-executive director in December 2021, is the Founder and CEO of FTwelve, a boutique cloud-based accounting firm. She is also a non-executive director on the boards of DRD Gold and ATKV, having previously held positions at Acorn Agri & Food Limited, KPMG and De Beers. At the latter, she served as a non-executive director for Acorn Agri & Food Limited and as a trustee on the boards of both the De Beers Benefit Society Medical Aid and De Beers Pension Fund from 2014 to 2018. Charmel is a qualified Chartered Accountant and non-executive director serving on JSE-listed boards and an advocate for diversity in the financial industry and inclusivity in the boardroom.

  • Gert Pretorius

    Gert Pretorius

    Managing Director MiX Africa

    Gert was appointed Managing Director of MiX Africa in October 2016. He previously served as the Executive Vice President for Information Systems from June 2014 to May 2017, and as the Executive responsible for Africa Fleet Solutions from January 2012 to June 2014.

    Gert Pretorius

    Managing Director MiX Africa

    Gert was appointed Managing Director of MiX Africa in October 2016. He previously served as the Executive Vice President for Information Systems from June 2014 to May 2017, and as the Executive responsible for Africa Fleet Solutions from January 2012 to June 2014. Gert also served in various other senior Sales and Operations roles at MiX, before being appointed Chief Operating Officer for MiX Africa in 2010. Prior to MiX, Gert served as Operations Manager for OmniBridge. Prior to joining OmniBridge, Gert held senior Executive roles at fleet management companies including Super Group and Daimler Fleet Management, and in the security industry at Coin Security Group.

  • Jonathan Bates

    Jonathan Bates

    Managing Director MIX EU

    Jonathan is MiX’s Executive Vice President of Marketing and previously served as Head of Global Marketing. Prior to that appointment, Jonathan was our Marketing Director in Europe. Jonathan began his career at MiX as our European Product Manager in November 2012.

    Jonathan Bates

    Managing Director MIX EU

    Jonathan is MiX’s Executive Vice President of Marketing and previously served as Head of Global Marketing. Prior to that appointment, Jonathan was our Marketing Director in Europe. Jonathan began his career at MiX as our European Product Manager in November 2012. Before joining us, Jonathan held several managerial positions from September 2005 to October 2012, within the PSA Peugeot Citroen Group in the functions of sales, marketing, product management, customer success and project management. Jonathan also holds a Bachelor of Law degree in the UK.

  • Brodie Von Berg

    Brodie Von Berg

    Managing Director MIX MEA

    Brodie is Managing Director of MiX by Powerfleet Middle East and Australasia. Having spent over a decade in the telematics industry, Brodie brings a wealth of experience to the role and has been instrumental in building a substantial international telematics business founded on the principles of safety, efficiency, compliance and security.

    Brodie Von Berg

    Managing Director MiX MEA

    Brodie is Managing Director of MiX by Powerfleet Middle East and Australasia. Having spent over a decade in the telematics industry, Brodie brings a wealth of experience to the role and has been instrumental in building a substantial international telematics business founded on the principles of safety, efficiency, compliance and security. Having worked closely with multinationals to reduce driving-related fatalities and improve the bottom line, Brodie has also played a key role in developing a global client success team to deliver results on scale.

  • Luiz Munhoz

    Luiz Munhoz

    Managing Director MiX LATAM

    Luiz joined the company after leading Continental Automotive in Brazil for 15 years. He adds significant expertize in the automotive industry to the MiX by Powerfleet leadership team.

    Luiz Munhoz

    Managing Director MiX LATAM

    Luiz joined the company after leading Continental Automotive in Brazil for 15 years. He adds significant expertize in the automotive industry to the MiX by Powerfleet leadership team.


Concerns relating to ethical or business conduct matters may be brought to the Company’s attention by sending an email to Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.. Alternatively, you can raise your concern by calling 0800 872 204 within South Africa or +27 21 880 5501 from outside of South Africa. An independent person who will treat your personal information in the strictest confidence controls the Ethics Hotline. Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

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MiX by Powerfleet Awards

The excellence of MiX by Powerfleet’s products and services have been proven time and again by the numerous awards and commendations that have
been given to us over the years.


  • Recognized as top global leaders in connected fleet telematics by ABI Research: 2020

    In ABI Research’s Commercial Telematics Vendor study, MiX by Powerfleet was named a global leader in both the innovation and implementation categories. To take the lead in the innovation category, MiX by Powerfleet scored high in vehicle monitoring, open platforms, tech development and customer experience. MiX by Powerfleet was awarded in the implementation category by proving excellence in the areas of vertical coverage, partnerships, financial strength and, broad and scalable SaaS solution options.
  • Market leader in fleet management category: 2020

    Leading customer reference platform for B2B business software and services, FeaturedCustomers, gave MiX by Powerfleet a Market Leader award as part of their yearly Customer Success Report.

    The Market Leader award recognizes vendors who have amassed a substantial customer base and market share within the fleet management industry.


  • 2024

    Here Technologies Partner Award

    EMEA Partner Build Award

    PowerFleet (EMEA) was recognized for integrating HERE’s location services to drive growth and cross-sell opportunities to optimize business operations and performance.




    This award was presented by Brake, global road safety charity campaigning for road safety and sustainable road transport as part of the 2021 UK Fleet Champion Awards. MiX by Powerfleet have been highly commended for its new in-vehicle product MiX Vision AI.




    This award was presented by Brake, global road safety charity campaigning for road safety and sustainable road transport as part of the 2020 UK Fleet Champions Awards. MiX by Powerfleet and G4S Cash Solutions, integrated security company, received second place for upholding a high safety standard during their partnership.

  • 2019



    Brake, global road safety charity campaigning for road safety and sustainable road transport, awarded MiX by Powerfleet for excellent safety collaboration with Wincanton, Britain’s largest logistics firm.

  • 2019



    SAV, a Spanish waste management company, received recognition from the Fundació Fòrum Ambiental (the Environmental Forum Foundation) and the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition after using MiX by Powerfleet’ solutions to make their fleet more environmentally-friendly.

  • 2014



    Brake, global road safety charity campaigning for road safety and sustainable road transport, awarded MiX by Powerfleet for our innovative approach to Fleet Management.

  • 2014



    Brake, global road safety charity campaigning for road safety and sustainable road transport, awarded MiX by Powerfleet for the development of the MiX Rovi. This product is a rugged in-cab display that allows for effective, real-time communication between fleet managers and drivers even under the toughest of conditions.


  • 2021



    Matrix is a brand of MiX by Powerfleet that specializes in stolen vehicle recovery, vehicle tracking and personal safety products and services. Matrix was selected as the winner in Ask Afrika Orange Index® 2021 Industry Winners.

  • 2021



    Top 500 is a prestigious annual publication that recognizes the Top 5 companies in South Africa from 100 business sectors. The business performance of over 3,800 companies are closely monitored every year which is based on set criteria that covers excellence and growth in financial performance, people management and company policy.

  • 2019



    Matrix is a brand of MiX by Powerfleet that specializes in stolen vehicle recovery, vehicle tracking and personal safety products and services. They were voted the Best Car Tracking Service.

  • 2019



    This is one of the most prestigious and highly anticipated events on the South African business calendar, where industry leaders come together to celebrate the JSE-listed companies that have delivered the highest returns for their shareholders.

  • 2016



    MiX by Powerfleet received this recognition from Frost & Sullivan, one of the top research and consulting firms in the world, after an in-depth analysis of the telematics market. According to the firm, MiX by Powerfleet serves a range of industries and company types by offering superior, value-driven products and services that guarantee rapid return on investment.

  • 2012/13



    Awarded to MiX by Powerfleet for meeting the highest standards in human resource management. MiX by Powerfleet was commended as an organization driven by their values and that allows employees to take charge of their career paths. This, in turn, leads to employees that want to provide customers the best service possible.





    MiX by Powerfleet and Mader Group, a global leader in equipment maintenance, was highly commended in Brake Fleet Safety Product category as part of the 2020 Australasian Fleet Champions Awards. The partnership made excellent use of innovative telematics solutions to create a safer fleet and thus safer roads for all.

  • 2017



    Brake, global road safety charity campaigning for road safety and sustainable road transport, awarded MiX by Powerfleet with the Company Driver Safety award for their contribution to the safety of at-work drivers.




    Brake, global road safety charity campaigning for road safety and sustainable road transport, highly commended MiX by Powerfleet in their Fleet Product Safety category for their contribution to developing products that improve the safety of fleets and roads.




    Brake, global road safety charity campaigning for road safety and sustainable road transport, highly commended MiX by Powerfleet in their Fleet Product Safety category for their contribution to developing products that improve the safety of fleets and, in turn, roads..

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Corporate Governance

Our Corporate
Governance Principles

Our Corporate Governance

MiX’s shares are publicly traded on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE: MIX) and MiX’s American Depositary Shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: MIXT).  Accordingly, the Company is subject to and has implemented controls to provide reasonable assurance of its compliance with all relevant requirements in respect of both listings.  These include the South African Companies Act 71 of 2008 (“the SA Companies Act”), the JSE Listings Requirements, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) and US legal requirements such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 (“SOX”), insofar as they apply to foreign companies listed on the NYSE.

MiX is fully committed to ensuring adherence to the strictest standards of ethical conduct, fair dealing, and integrity in our business practices. In support of this commitment, MiX endorses the principles and recommendations of the King Report on Corporate Governance, which is a booklet of guidelines for the governance structures and operation of companies in South Africa which was compiled when the Institute of Directors in South Africa asked retired Supreme Court of South Africa Judge Mervyn E. King to chair a committee, the King Committee on Corporate Governance.

Four reports have been issued: in 1994 ("King I"), 2002 ("King II"), 2009 ("King III"), and a fourth revision ("King IV") in 2016. Compliance with King IV is a mandatory requirement for companies listed on the JSE. Unlike the requirements of SOX, King IV is non-legislative and is based on principles and recommended practices. The underpinning philosophies of King IV consist of integrated thinking, seeing the organization as an integral part of society, stakeholder inclusivity, and corporate citizenship. It views good corporate governance as the exercise of ethical and effective leadership by the Board towards the achievement of the following governance outcomes: ethical culture, good performance, effective control and legitimacy.

A register of the 17 King IV principles, indicating where the appropriate disclosure is made or where relevant policy documents are located in the public forum, can be found here. MiX hereby confirms that we will continue to endorse the principles and recommendations under King IV and will continually report on our compliance at each fiscal year-end. Mechanisms and policies appropriate to our business have been established in keeping with this commitment to best practices of corporate governance and integrity, and to ensure compliance thereto.

Further to this, MiX has a Code of Ethics and Conduct (the "Code of Conduct"). The Code of Conduct, which must be read in conjunction with the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy and Whistleblower Policy, applies to all of our Directors, Officers and employees, including our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Accounting Officer or Group Financial Controller or persons performing similar functions. The principles of the Code of Conduct include integrity, competence, responsibility, accountability, fairness and transparency in achieving MiX’s strategy and leadership. These ethical characteristics are considered during the Board evaluations of each Director.

MiX’s Board ("Board") has adopted an Insider Trading Policy, which applies to all of our Directors, Officers and employees as well as to members of their families and others living in their households. The policy prohibits our Directors, Officers and employees from (i) engaging in transactions involving MiX’s securities at any time while in possession of material information that has not yet been publicly released, or during a restricted/closed period; and/or (ii) engaging in hedging or monetization transactions, such as zero-cost collars and forward sale contracts; short sales; and transactions in publicly traded options, such as puts, calls and other derivatives involving our equity securities.

The Board assumes overall responsibility for compliance with applicable laws and regulations and adopted non-binding rules, codes and standards and has implemented a Group Compliance Risk Management Policy to ensure that MiX complies with all applicable laws and regulations and reinforces a compliance culture.

The Board has the overall responsibility for risk oversight, including, as part of regular Board and committee meetings, general oversight of Executives’ management of risks relevant to MiX. A fundamental part of risk oversight is not only understanding the material risks a company faces and the steps management is taking to manage those risks, but also understanding what level of risk is appropriate for a company. The involvement of the Board in reviewing our business strategy is an integral aspect of the Board’s assessment of management’s tolerance for risk and its determination of what constitutes an appropriate level of risk for MiX. While the full Board has overall responsibility for risk oversight, it is supported in this function by its Audit and Risk Committee and the Nominations and Remuneration Committee. Each of the committees regularly reports to the Board.

The Audit and Risk Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its risk oversight responsibilities by periodically reviewing MiX’s accounting, reporting and financial practices, including the integrity of our financial statements, the surveillance of administrative and financial controls, our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and our enterprise risk management program. Through its regular meetings with management, including the finance, legal, internal audit, tax, compliance, and information technology functions, the Audit and Risk Committee reviews and discusses significant areas of MiX’s business and summarizes for the Board areas of risk and the appropriate mitigating factors. The Nominations and Remuneration Committee assists the Board by overseeing and evaluating risks related to our compensation structure and compensation programs, including the formulation, administration and regulatory compliance with respect to compensation matters, and coordinating, along with the Board’s Chairperson, succession planning discussions. The Nominations and Remuneration Committee assists the Board by overseeing and evaluating programs and risks associated with Board organization, membership, structure and corporate governance. In addition, our Board receives periodic detailed operating performance reviews from management.

Board of Directors and Executive

The Board is MiX’s focal point and custodian of corporate governance. Board members are expected to act in MiX’s best interest, and the Company Secretary maintains a register of directors’ interests, as required by law. The Board appoints (i) the Chairperson and (ii) the President and Chief Executive Officer. The roles of the Chairperson and President and Chief Executive Officer are distinct. As the current Chairperson is not considered independent from a JSE Listings Requirements perspective as well as from a King IV perspective by virtue of his significant individual shareholding in MiX, a Lead Independent Non-Executive Director has been appointed to provide leadership and advice to the Board, without detracting from the authority of the Chairman, when any actual or perceived conflict of interest may arise. The Board believes that MiX’s current leadership structure of President and Chief Executive Officer and Chairperson being held by two separate individuals is in our best interests and in the best interests of our shareholders. It strikes the appropriate balance between the President and Chief Executive Officer’s responsibility for the strategic direction, day-to-day leadership and performance of MiX as well as the Chairperson of the Board’s responsibility to guide the overall strategic direction of MiX, provide oversight of our corporate governance and guidance to the President and Chief Executive Officer and to set the agenda for and preside over Board meetings. MiX recognizes that different leadership structures may be appropriate for companies in different situations and believe that no one structure is suitable for all companies. Accordingly, the Board will continue to periodically review MiX’s leadership structure and make such changes in the future as it deems appropriate and in our best interests and in the best interests of our shareholders

At least one-third of the Non-Executive Directors retire by rotation each year and stand for re-election at the annual general meeting, in accordance with MiX’s Memorandum of Incorporation. Directors’ appointments during the year are ratified at the annual general meeting. An Executive Committee is in place that is responsible for devising MiX’s strategy for recommendation to the Board and to implement the strategies and policies approved by the Board. The Executive Committee is also responsible for MiX’s day-to-day business and affairs.

There is a clear balance of power and authority at Board level to ensure that no one Director has unfettered powers in decision making. All appointments to the Board are done in a formal, transparent manner and are a matter for the Board as a whole. The Board sets the parameters for the powers that are delegated to the Executive Committee and to management. The Board has developed an approvals framework, which delegates specific powers and delegations of authorities to the Executive Committee and operating management, and the approvals framework is updated at least annually, or when required. The Board is satisfied that the approvals framework contributes to role clarity and the effective exercise of authority. The Board has a succession plan in place for the members of the Board, as well as for the President and Chief Executive Officer, which is reviewed annually and is satisfied that MiX will continue to function effectively if there is ever a need to implement the plan.

Directors are appointed on the basis of skill, experience and their contribution and impact on MiX’s activities. MiX recognizes and embraces the benefits of having a diverse Board, and sees increasing diversity at Board level as an essential element in maintaining a competitive advantage. A truly diverse Board will include and make good use of differences in the skills, regional and industry experience, background, race, gender and other distinctions between Directors. These differences will be considered in determining the optimum composition of the Board and when possible, will be balanced appropriately.

The Board is satisfied that the current composition reflects the appropriate mix of knowledge, skills, experience, diversity and independence and is in accordance with the Board Diversification Policy. The Board decides on the appointment of Directors based on recommendations from the Nominations and Remuneration Committee. The Nominations and Remuneration Committee annually discusses and agrees all measurable objectives for achieving diversity on the Board and recommends them to the Board for adoption. The Nominations and Remuneration Committee will also consider director candidates recommended by shareholders, and such candidates will be considered and evaluated under the same criteria described above. At any given time, the Board may seek to improve one or more aspects of its diversity and measure progress accordingly.

In terms of MiX’s Board Evaluation Policy, the Board evaluates its own performance and that of its committees, its Chairperson and its individual members, to support continued improvement in its performance and effectiveness. A formal evaluation is conducted every second year. A description of the formal evaluations undertaken and an overview of the results and remedial actions taken, if any, are disclosed in the Nominations and Remuneration Committee Report contained in MiX’s Proxy Statement.

Our Board must comply with the independence standards required by the NYSE, the principles of King IV and the JSE Listings Requirements. In addition, committee members are subject to any additional independence requirements that may be required by applicable law, regulation, King IV, the JSE Listings Requirements or NYSE listing standards.

In making its independence recommendations, the Nominations and Remuneration Committee evaluates the various commercial, charitable and employment transactions and relationships known to the Committee that exist between MiX and our subsidiaries and the Directors and the entities with which certain of MiX’s Directors or members of their immediate families are, or have been, affiliated (including those identified through our annual Directors’ questionnaires). Furthermore, the Nominations and Remuneration Committee discusses other relevant facts and circumstances regarding the nature of these transactions and relationships to determine whether other factors, regardless of the independence standards, might compromise a Director’s independence.

The Board operates under a written charter (a link to the charter can be found on this page, under "Important Documents").

Board Committees

In the execution of its duties, the Board is assisted by various committees to which specific responsibilities have been assigned. This delegation promotes independent judgment and assists with balancing power and with the effective discharge of the Board’s duties. The committees are; an Audit and Risk Committee, a Nominations and Remuneration Committee and a Social and Ethics Committee. The committees operate in accordance with approved terms of reference (links to which can be found on this page, under "Important Documents") and report to the Board on their activities. A formal evaluation of the committees’ performance is performed on a bi-annual basis.

Audit and Risk Committee

MiX has combined the audit committee and the risk committees into one Audit and Risk Committee.

The Audit and Risk Committee assists the Board in matters relating to internal controls, financial reporting, external audit, internal audit, risk management and regulatory compliance. The Audit and Risk Committee operates under written terms of reference (a charter) that satisfies the applicable standards of the JSE, Companies Act, SEC and the NYSE (a link to the terms of reference can be found on this page, under "Important Documents").

The Audit and Risk Committee currently comprises three members and consists only of Non-Executive Directors, each of whom is expected to be financially literate and at least one member is required to have accounting or related financial management expertise under the NYSE listing standards. Since MiX’s listing on the NYSE, the Audit and Risk Committee has been comprised solely of independent Board members within the meaning of SEC and NYSE rules for purposes of the audit committee. This composition is also in accordance with the Companies Act and JSE Listings Requirements. A representative from both the outsourced internal audit function and the external auditors attend meetings. The Chairperson of the Social and Ethics Committee is also a member of the Audit and Risk Committee due to the close working relationship required between the two committees. The Chief Financial Officer and the President and Chief Executive Officer attend all meetings by invitation.

Nominations and Remuneration Committee

The nominations committee and the remuneration (compensation) committee have been combined into one Nominations and Remuneration Committee.

The Nominations and Remuneration Committee meets at least four times a year and is composed solely of three independent Non-Executive Directors within the meaning of SEC and NYSE rules of independence. The President and Chief Executive Officer are invited to attend all meetings.

The Nominations and Remuneration Committee operates under written terms of reference (a charter) (a link to the terms of reference can be found on this page, under "Important Documents").

Social and Ethics Committee

In accordance with the Companies Act, MiX established this Committee in the fiscal year 2012. The Social and Ethics Committee monitors our activities, particularly with respect to any relevant legislation, other legal requirements or prevailing codes of best practice, regarding matters relating to:

1. Social and economic development, including our standing in terms of the goals and purposes of:

  • the ten principles set out in the United Nations Global Compact Principles;
  • the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development recommendations regarding corruption;
  • the South African Employment Equity Act; and
  • the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;

2. Good corporate citizenship;

3. The environment, health and public safety, including the impact of our activities, products and services;

4. Consumer relationships, including our advertising, public relations and compliance with consumer protection laws;

5. Reviewing the process for monitoring compliance with laws, regulations and our Code of Conduct; and

6. Labor and employment, including our standing in terms of the International Labor Organization Protocol on decent work and working conditions, our employment relationships and our contribution toward the educational development of our employees.

The Social and Ethics Committee meets at least three times a year and currently comprises of three Non-Executive Directors and our Chief Financial Officer (an Executive Director appointed to the Committee as recommended under King IV). The President and Chief Executive Officer are invited to attend all meetings.

The Social and Ethics Committee operates under written terms of reference (a charter) (a link to the terms of reference can be found on this page, under "Important Documents").

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